"Prohibition of State Sponsored Persons Relocation" Bill

Aaron Toman will introduce a "Prohibition of State Sponsored Persons Relocation" Bill which will prohibit all US States and their governments from exporting part of their population or any individual to another US State through a state sponsored program without the consent of the destination state. 


Hawaii has long been plagued by mainland states exporting their homeless populations to Hawaii without the consent of the people or the government of Hawaii. Hawaii's residents have had to pay the price in numerous ways, including but not limited to: unsafe conditions while driving, unsafe recreational areas, increased litter, higher taxes to support homeless outreach programs, and government programs to address the out of control homeless problem.

The problem is not the homeless people themselves, if Hawaii only had to handle their state's homeless problem, it would be more manageable and easier to address without creating hard impacts on the tax paying citizens. But with having to handle Hawaii's homeless problem AND part of the homeless problem from across the country that has exported their homeless to our state, it becomes unmanageable and we end up with the situation we have today. We can't go back in time and stop everyone who has already been exported here by their state governments, but we can stop the future exportation with legal consequences for the state governments who continue to attempt exporting. Once we stop additional people from adding to our homeless problem, we can then begin to truly address the problem within our state.